Android; settings won't open (crashing)

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
HTC U11plus

Swipe down from top of screen to get settings cog.

Just crashes every time.

Multiple restarts, no joy.

Only been happening since yesterday.

Have uninstalled as many app updates as have been issued in that time.

Tried restarting in safe mode, just crashes the same.

Before taking the phone to the menders, any suggestions welcomed (y)
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Google app has auto-update disabling feature.........disabled, so I have to manually uninstall the update each day.

Any idea when / if Google will fix this issue? I've been searching the 'web, but my tech savvy extends only to typing my query into the main Google search bar (and this reveals nothing that I've noted).

Also, as (I presume) updates are sequential (at least, they are on the computer), me keep reverting Google app back means that, even if they do issue a fix, will it get installed without the app being the previously-updated (and broken) version anyway?

Thanks in anticipation ( @denso13 ?)
Respectfully your HTC U11 is an old boiler and I'm surprised it's still actually functioning, I used to have an HTC10 (a fine and quick phone in it's day), fast forward a few years and I only used it as an alarm clock, then a few years back I gave it to the youngest as his first phone, when I connected it to the wifi and updated it the thing would barely run, so much so as to make it unusable, its not right but old phones typically are just not updated and if they are the software just bogs them down rather than extending their life.
Respectfully your HTC U11 is an old boiler and I'm surprised it's still actually functioning, I used to have an HTC10 (a fine and quick phone in it's day), fast forward a few years and I only used it as an alarm clock, then a few years back I gave it to the youngest as his first phone, when I connected it to the wifi and updated it the thing would barely run, so much so as to make it unusable, its not right but old phones typically are just not updated and if they are the software just bogs them down rather than extending their life.
I think what Freddy is trying to say is; get a new phone.

Google app has auto-update disabling feature.........disabled, so I have to manually uninstall the update each day.

Any idea when / if Google will fix this issue? I've been searching the 'web, but my tech savvy extends only to typing my query into the main Google search bar (and this reveals nothing that I've noted).

Also, as (I presume) updates are sequential (at least, they are on the computer), me keep reverting Google app back means that, even if they do issue a fix, will it get installed without the app being the previously-updated (and broken) version anyway?

Thanks in anticipation ( @denso13 ?)

From @denso13 's link

Open Google Play

Tap the blue circle at the top right with your initial

Tap "Manage apps and device"

Tap "Manage" the top

Scroll down and Tap "Google" in the list of apps

Tap "Uninstall"

Settings should now work
Respectfully your HTC U11 is an old boiler and I'm surprised it's still actually functioning, I used to have an HTC10 (a fine and quick phone in it's day), fast forward a few years and I only used it as an alarm clock, then a few years back I gave it to the youngest as his first phone, when I connected it to the wifi and updated it the thing would barely run, so much so as to make it unusable, its not right but old phones typically are just not updated and if they are the software just bogs them down rather than extending their life.

Old it might be, but it runs absolutely fine and fast.
Just that Google have knackered something in their update coding, which HTC Android doth not agree with.
With HTC having such a small share of the market, even back then, Google just won't spend the money on keeping obsolete and obscure phones running.

Respectfully, your old phone is not running fine at all. Your search of the web turns up nothing because most people are forced to upgrade their phones, there will only be a tiny amount of these phones still active. It's a sad indictment for modern life but there we are.
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Always androids with the issue. Apple are supreme.
I didn't even realise that HTC are still making phones.

It was HTC which ushered in the era of touch screen smart phones, starting in 2002.

My first HTC was the 2003 HTC Blue Angel and my last was the Windows phone 7, HTC 7 Pro. 10 happy years of exclusively buying their phones.

Without doubt, the most impressive HTC phone was the x7500 . From a hardware point of view it made the first iphone (released 4 months later) look like a toy. It took Apple over 4 years to introduce all of the hardware features that my phone had, the last one that Apple added was the front facing camera.
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