Animal speed



it's always intrigued me... Usain Bolt can run quite quickly, and a horse, being bigger can run a bit faster. But if you go outside to your garden and startle a robin, or a blackbird... they've gone 100yds in about 4 seconds.... and they're tiny !!!!

Birds are amazing, an old crow flies over.... it's about the size of your calf and yet it covers the country much quicker than you!!
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There are insects that, in relation to size, are quicker than a cheetah.
About 200 yards from house are nesting pair of Perigrine Falcons, see them sometimes very early morning, been there a couple of years now. Its hard to believe the fastest animal on the planet lives around the corner from me :eek:
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But how fast can a robin run? :?: :?: :?: Running is one thing; flying is quite another. Have I missed something here or did the mushroom season start early this year? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Sorry Martian, not taking sides but you've got to admit that was very funny :LOL:
Sorry Martian, not taking sides but you've got to admit that was very funny :LOL:

are you sure it was very funny??? :rolleyes: they act like a group of schoolground bullies...

I'm very unconcerned about getting taunted on an internet forum.. it says far more about sooey and his gang than it does about me. And whilst they're picking on me, they're leaving others alone.... which is a positive.
I retract the "very funny" and replace it with "mildly humorous" ;)
iirc there was a animal program on a couple of years back,where they took a Perigrine up in a hot air ballon (after training it with a lure)got to the hieght required,the vet jumped out along with a camera man and a few seconds later the lure was thrown out,shortly after that they let the bird go and even in slow motion it was a BLUR.think they worked it out the bird reached something like 180 mph.NOW THATS BLOODY FAST.
sure it must be on you tube?????
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