Another Harold Shipman?

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Well, any system that allows one GP to maintain a killing spree over a long period (decades, wasn't it?), must surely leave scope for many more of the same misguided criminals. Unfortunately.
Unfortunately there wasn't the full story there but the guy was cleared.

Thing is, the guy could well have been 'helping' terminally ill patients out of their misery. I for one wouldn't blame him for that. I have watched too many of my much loved family and friends die in agony :cry:
Brightness said:
Unfortunately there wasn't the full story there but the guy was cleared.

He was aquitted with regard to 3 patients

He's still being investigated re another 16
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JulieL/B said:
I used to work with this one a long time ago :rolleyes: :eek:

I'm not saying he's another Shipman but this isn't quite the behaviour you'd expect from a doctor :eek:

Wouldn't you. In my experience they can be very strange people. Too much power and authority and too many years dealing with people who are sick and dying and dependent on them isn't always good for the soul.

I suspect there's a few Shipmans still out there, and a few motivated by compassion, (who's to say he wasn't). I think we are beginning to become aware of a problem that's much more widespread than we realise now

Part of the reason these cases are beginning to surface is that their halo has been knocked of by the Shipman case and people are beginning to think harder and don't just assume the medics are always right. That traditional respect and unquestioning faith has gone. People realise they are just as fallible as the rest of us and that they actually should have the right to choose their own exit strategy not just leave it to the Doctor.

All of these end of life issues should be out in the open where they can be discussed and sorted out so that people die with some dignity and the Doctors don't have to make personal decisions that should be made by their patients

btw do they still call August "the killing season" when all the newly qualifieds go on the wards for the first time
pickles said:
JulieL/B said:
I used to work with this one a long time ago :rolleyes: :eek:

I'm not saying he's another Shipman but this isn't quite the behaviour you'd expect from a doctor :eek:

In my experience they can be very strange people. Too much power and authority

Yes there are some who are power mad...........but in all fairness I think the balance is changing (amen!) - medical students are trained differently now than in years gone by - I have seen massive changes in this area over the past few years.

You are right though I think there are a lot of harold Shipmans and Beverley Allitts around - makes it hard for the doctors and nurses who are truly genuine and caring and go out of their way to help people
JulieL/B said:
pickles said:
JulieL/B said:
I used to work with this one a long time ago :rolleyes: :eek:

I'm not saying he's another Shipman but this isn't quite the behaviour you'd expect from a doctor :eek:

In my experience they can be very strange people. Too much power and authority

Yes there are some who are power mad...........but in all fairness I think the balance is changing (amen!) - medical students are trained differently now than in years gone by - I have seen massive changes in this area over the past few years.

You are right though I think there are a lot of harold Shipmans and Beverley Allitts around - makes it hard for the doctors and nurses who are truly genuine and caring and go out of their way to help people

I hope your right. My brushes with the medical profession have not always been happy ones. They need a huge change of attitude but it's good to hear the newer ones are trained differently. What are they actually doing to them to get rid of that "I am god step aside" attitude

It seems to me that the more competent they are the less pompous and opinionated they get
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