Another 'Windrush' in the making...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"A number of long-term British citizens have expressed alarm at receiving letters from the Home Office telling them they risk losing the right to work, benefits and free healthcare unless they apply for UK immigration status in the next six weeks.

Campaigners said they were concerned that the “scattergun” mailshot, which was sent out to thousands of people instructing them to apply for EU settled status before the end of June, revealed weaknesses in the Home Office’s databases, and a lack of bureaucratic clarity about who has the right to live in the UK.

The letter, which was wrongly sent to numerous people who have lived in the UK for over 40 years, states: “The United Kingdom has left the European Union, so to carry on living in the UK after 30 June 2021, you and your family members need to have a UK immigration status,” the letter states.

Among those who received the letter were several people with dual citizenship, including retired nurse Marianne Howard, 82, originally from Germany, who has been a British citizen for over 50 years; retired structural engineer Geoge Smid, who was born in what was then Czechoslovakia and became a British citizen in 1987; Isabella Moore, originally from Poland, who has had citizenship for over 40 years and spent 33 years working as an NHS doctor; academic Jan Culik, who holds a Czech passport and naturalised in the UK 36 years ago; and architect Eva Apollo-Crawshaw, originally from Poland, who has been a British citizen for 40 years."

"Some recipients said they were disturbed to discover that they remain classified as foreigners on internal Home Office databases, despite having been British for decades."

A sad but very predictable approach from a racist home office run by one of the most obnoxious ministers in recent times!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
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It happens all the time, home office are a bunch of loony xenophobes.
I wonder if any members of Priti Nasty's family will be receiving such letters?
It happens all the time, home office are a bunch of loony xenophobes.

The bigger problem isn't the incorrect data - it's the fact that people will have to prove that the data is wrong - can you provide evidence you were resident in the UK 50 years ago?

The Home Office is broken and that is by design.

They worry about being seen as callous or racist – “like right bloody Nazis,” as one official told me – yet this is frequently outweighed by not wanting to be seen as weak on immigration. “You’re more nervous, frankly, about the Daily Mail than the Guardian,” said another. This obsession with how the Home Office is perceived – by the media, by the public, by colleagues in other departments – explains much of its behaviour.
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The bigger problem isn't the incorrect data - it's the fact that people will have to prove that the data is wrong - can you provide evidence you were resident in the UK 50 years ago?

The Home Office is broken and that is by design.
Quite right...

My partner had indefinite leave to remain many years ago stamped into a passport.
Also a home office letter stating as such, but also saying that it wasn't proof unless it was stamped in a current passport.
Problem is there was no way of getting the ILTR transferred to a new passport.

All was ok until the racists/xenophobes in this country decided on brexit...

Then my partner had to after all those years here apply for the right to stay. And it's no longer a document available but a computer record.
But what the people who voted to leave the EU don't understand (or probably don't care about) is that millions of people now live in perpetual uncertainty both here and abroad!

And what these racists/xenophobes don't understand is that they could also be vulnerable of further database entries if the computer says no, even if they consider themselves 'true brits'!
Quite right...

My partner had indefinite leave to remain many years ago stamped into a passport.
Also a home office letter stating as such, but also saying that it wasn't proof unless it was stamped in a current passport.
Problem is there was no way of getting the ILTR transferred to a new passport.

All was ok until the racists/xenophobes in this country decided on brexit...

Then my partner had to after all those years here apply for the right to stay. And it's no longer a document available but a computer record.
But what the people who voted to leave the EU don't understand (or probably don't care about) is that millions of people now live in perpetual uncertainty both here and abroad!

And what these racists/xenophobes don't understand is that they could also be vulnerable of further database entries if the computer says no, even if they consider themselves 'true brits'!

It was like those Brits in Spain voting for Brexit - it doesn't apply to them until it does.
Some non-EU visitors to France, even for short stays have needed an invitation, along with an attestation from the local Marie to prove that the invitation was from a genuine French resident. This has been a long standing situation.
This will probably be the case now for UK visitors to France for stays longer than the non-visa period. This invitation will need to accompany the visa application.
Since Brexit, British travellers have found themselves in the often confusing and complicated world of non-EU travel, which in certain circumstances could involve telling your local town hall in France whenever you have guests visiting from the UK.
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