Any one else think she deserved pushing off

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She doesn't like the smell of smoke, so she walked 40 or 50 yards to tell him....on an open air platform.
She doesn't like the smell of smoke, so she walked 40 or 50 yards to tell him....on an open air platform.
In fairness, as an ex smoker myself, I'm hypersensitive to the smell of smoke so can appreciate why it may have irritated her. Also, to my knowledge, smoking is banned on platforms, so she was well wtihin her rights to make a civil request.

Think all the stuff about how she lost her job, has developed a psycho problem etc sounds like a load of blocks to me!
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I know she was within her rights, but could you smell somebody's smoke from the other end of a train platform in the open air.
What difference does it make whether she could 'smell the smoke' or not? You can't go round pushing people onto railway lines FFS! :rolleyes:
I think you've taken my post title too literally blasphemous, so don't stand next to me in the rush hour.
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