Anybody still dressing like this?

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Thanks for the link

I've just ordered a beige suit for work, and a couple of tops and some jeans for when I am relaxing in front of my silver Decca music centre.
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spot the biggest camel-toe ever seen about half way down. :eek:
A few years ago I did some extra work for the tv. It was set in the early 80's and we were asked to wear approprate clothing if possible. So I just found some things from the wardrobe and off I went. Joined the queue in the tent and listened to the wardrobe mistress as she examined those in front of me-
"we'll change that shirt"
"wrong type of belt"
"loose the tee shirt"
and so on as she looked at us each in turn,
came my turn,
she looked and said,
"fine next please"
:oops: :oops:
how trendy am I?
Thats my kind of gear each Friday & Saturday night.

Whats wrong with it? :eek:
I bet there's some people dressed like that tonight (Children In Need)
Shaking their yellow buckets at you in the local. ;) ;) ;) ;)
To be honest stuff like that can come back, its moustaches I can't get my head around, why people still wear them in 2010 I'll never know.
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