
25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Recently, researchers discovered that some human bones and skull remnants found in Ethiopa some years ago, are in fact 195,000 years old.

Is it wrong that I found this picture funny?


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We are used to your humour by now Adam ;) "Carry On Time Team" ;)
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AdamW said:
Is it wrong that I found this picture funny? :LOL:
Wrong - devintly no - sorry, definitely not (it's been a stressful night).
Strange, sad, juvenile - yes.
What's worse, so do I. But what kind of dork would print a picture like that without recognising the humour-potential?
Go to "Immigration and the tories" and guess which 'energetic batsman' has the missing part of the 'stump' buried in it's skull.
:D :D :D
Igorian said:
Evidence of an early extension job perhaps :confused:

Nah, First instance of the work by that young lady Civil Engineer, who specialised in demolishing erections ....
Advertises to this day in local telephone kiosk.

The oldest profession ..... allegedly best VFM !!
;) ;) ;)
Can't say i've used a local phone box for ages. Are you trying to get something off your chest Pip? :)
Igorian said:
Can't say i've used a local phone box for ages. Are you trying to get something of your chest Pip? :)

Off (even 'of') me chest would be fine --- We country boys never had all that new fangled stuff .. just the red box ... No ladies of the night, adverse to wellies I suppose ....... ah , those non light polluted nights black as pitch !!
Adam, mate, you've hit the nail on the head.

That's why it's called a boner...
securespark said:
Adam, mate, you've hit the nail on the head.

That's why it's called a boner...

By the looks of the Pix --- He missed the nail ..... ooouch ! ;)
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