Are the Conservative party responsible for the lack of Doctors?

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom

Seems that it was Doctors who wanted less Doctors. The motivation being greed. Fair enough.
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Surprise surprise. A union voted in its perceived best interests. 15 years ago. I heard a swishing sound. Was that you clutching at a straw?
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Doctoring was, like everything, much better in the past under old, traditional ways of doing things. As juniors they worked ridiculously long hours but this was necessary because at the end of it they emerged as fully fledged, hardened professionals able to tackle anything. The decline of this system has been due to relentless campaigning by certain doctors to reduce the long hours. The government gave into these pressures in the 1970s with the Junior Hospital Doctors Association strikes and perhaps the final nail was the European Union's Working Time Directive. On top of this, doctors now live under the threat of legal action all the time, which didn't happen before, and there are new doctors coming all the time from overseas, with lower of different standards, and poor communication because they can't speak English properly. It's a big, ugly mess.
This really is grasping at straws. The BMA now support a big increase in the number of medical students. Things were very different back in 2008. Under Labour, there had been an unprecedented expansion in new doctor numbers, three new medical schools, and greatly improved terms and conditions for doctors had led to very good staff retention. I remember there were forecasts of a glut of doctors. A helpful graph below from the Kings Fund, shows the number of medical school places. It wasn't until 2020 that the numbers increased again, to about 9000.

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Bravo for whoever was in government round about 2000
Yes, 2008, 2 years before the tories came into power, a vote by doctors to cap the number of training places and a blanket ban on new training schools.
Probably had hundreds more than we needed back then. And then we got the greedy grasping Tories....

Seems that it was Doctors who wanted less Doctors. The motivation being greed. Fair enough.

Aim - foot - shoot - bullseye!
Doctoring was, like everything, much better in the past under old, traditional ways of doing things. As juniors they worked ridiculously long hours but this was necessary because at the end of it they emerged as fully fledged, hardened professionals able to tackle anything. The decline of this system has been due to relentless campaigning by certain doctors to reduce the long hours. The government gave into these pressures in the 1970s with the Junior Hospital Doctors Association strikes and perhaps the final nail was the European Union's Working Time Directive. On top of this, doctors now live under the threat of legal action all the time, which didn't happen before, and there are new doctors coming all the time from overseas, with lower of different standards, and poor communication because they can't speak English properly. It's a big, ugly mess.
Doctoring is so sh1t now that people live longer, cancer death rates are way down, neonatal survival is way up and trauma patients survive when even 10 years ago they'd be dead. Oh for the good old days.
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