Hi all, we have an Ariston A27 MFFI combi boiler which is bahaving strangely. When a hot tap is opened a strange noise builds to a crescendo and then tails off when you turn off the tap. Befiore this started happening I replaced the air pressure switch when the boiler started to fail in start up when timed heating events ocurred. If the boiler was given a clout on the side it would light immediately hence the lead up to changing the AP switch. Despite the new AP switch the boiler would revert to the same behavior occasionally!! Now when the Hot tap is opened we get the rising , fairly loud trumpeting noise which tails off when the tap is closed and then the boiler refuses to start and the fan doesn't run (which is a new thing). By trial and error, if the boier is left switched off at the fused spur, ie no power to boiler for 2 days the boiler will relight without a problem once power is restored!! Will be OK for a few days, sometimes more or less, the noisy hot water continues and then once more after drawing hot water the boiler will refuse to start. HELP it's driving me crazy!! What is more annoying is that when I bought the boiler I specifically ordered a male one!!!!!lol!! Gotta keep sane with a little light humour - no offence intended.
If you can help I would be extremely grateful, regards, Paul Cahill
If you can help I would be extremely grateful, regards, Paul Cahill