Who'd da thought it, well done England and Wales (South Africa, Pakistan, Denmark, Ireland and Pontefract)
Great Result still don't get why England keep ashes for a year, oz then kick arse and have it for three.
So they are not having a good time then!
Their Tennis players and swimmers seem to have gone a miss too,
and GB&NI finished higher up the medals table in Berlin
Who'd da thought it, well done England and Wales (South Africa, Pakistan, Denmark, Ireland and Pontefract)
Great Result still don't get why England keep ashes for a year, oz then kick a**e and have it for three.
Who'd da thought it, well done England and Wales (South Africa, Pakistan, Denmark, Ireland and Pontefract)
Great Result still don't get why England keep ashes for a year, oz then kick a**e and have it for three.