B&Q - what does it mean?

4 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I happen to know what MFI stands for and the history behind the name (it's a long story), but does anyone know what B&Q actually stands for?
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The B and Q were the initials of Richard Block and David Quayle, the guy's who started it off. It belongs to Kingfisher now.
Richard Block & David Quayle

History info here
I didn't know it has been trading for 35 years!
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Block and Quayle. If you look on their website their is a potted history. I only rember the names because they are part of the same group that own Screwfix and remeber reading about B&Q whilst the Screwfix site was in turmoil.
Damn :!:

Now how rare is that, all posted at 7:33pm :!:

Okay, this topic is now closed, too many info here :LOL:
D'oh! Beaten again by mere seconds.

So I will say that Kingfisher also own Comet, as well as DIY chains in France.

Dunno if they own the beer though.
impressive 8 answers within 7 seconds :LOL: :LOL:

the sad thing is they all agree
we realy must get out more ;) ;)
Yes, I saw that: 1 answer per second :LOL:
Just shows how many of us have got b*gger-all else to do, and there's nothing on the box.

Of course, I should have looked on the B&Q site, but I suppose I was just being lazy. So, as a slight variation on the original title of this thread (and on the assumption that everyone's still got b*gger-all to do), who can come up with the best joke meaning of B&Q? I notice AdamW is already going down this route :)

Someone told me a really funny one the other day, but I can't remember it right now.
shut down - watch the west wing - best prog on tele
Nah. I'm waiting for Teachers at 10o/c ;)
I smile at Bob's continual swearing.
funny enough handyman i just happend to be on the b&q web site looking for a link to orange b&d workmate inserts but wasnt quick enough :LOL: :LOL: ;)
Well, I can beat you all because I knew it first. Ner ner ne ner ner.....

Doesn't matter that I'm way late posting it..... :LOL: :LOL:

I learnt all that guff when I worked for them (Ban don't hit me!!) in the 80's...
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