back filling

18 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
just had a consevetory built and im wanting to back fill soil against the walls is ok to do this and if so what do i need to do to the wall first cheers
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make sure the brick work has had at least 48 hours to cure and that the cavities have been concreted to within 225mm of the d.p.c.
will i need to do anything to the outside wall to stop damp im going to put about 6" of gravel all the way down the wall to help any water to run away from wall
boxerdogs said:
will i need to do anything to the outside wall to stop damp im going to put about 6" of gravel all the way down the wall to help any water to run away from wall

Make sure ground (gravel) level is at least 6" (2 courses) below the DPC where it touches the wall and you should be fine.
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and what happens when you open the doors all the back fill will drop inside :eek:
its the wall on my consevetory and im putting sleepers out from the door to make steps so it wont fall in house im not that daft honest
Put in a vertical dpc on the face of the brickwork or apply a bitumastic waterproof solution before you backfill.
drspock said:
Put in a vertical dpc on the face of the brickwork or apply a bitumastic waterproof solution before you backfill.

i say do both.

i hope the brickies put plenty of tie wires in the wall.
I would bank the earth under the floor, cavity walls do NOT make good retaining structures
drspock said:
Put in a vertical dpc on the face of the brickwork or apply a bitumastic waterproof solution before you backfill.
sorry i dont understand this i think im going to have to build a wall besid it i think
sorry i dont understand this i think im going to have to build a wall besid it i think

Sorry for the jargon boxerdogs.
A vertical dpc is anything that will keep the moisture from penetrating the brickwork.
This can be a sand and cement rendering on the external face of the brick retaining wall or even a sheet of pvc membrane .
The bitumastic waterproof solution is basically liquid tar and if I recall has the trade name of synthaprufe.
Whatever method you decide to use you must insert a horizontal dpc in the wall at the point above ground level were the vertical dpc terminates.

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