bad luck

2 Dec 2005
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Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Does anyone know where the saying " bad luck comes in 3's "
who ever invented the saying are right.

1st = the other halfs gran fell and broke her arm. ( 91 )

2nd = my dog jumped the fence was away for 30 mins and came back limping, and all it's paws bleeding.

3rd = the 3 year old got a door handle right in the eye, and it was bleeding, she'll have a black eye tomorrow no doubt.

So hopefully thats my bad luck for the day, :LOL:
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This is the only one I've heard:

The superstition first arose among British troops during the Crimean War. They learned from Russian captives of the danger of using any light for a threefold purpose. They were told that it was the sacred rule of the Orthodox Church that the three candles on the altar were not to be lit from a single taper, except when the High Priest used it. However, a more likely explanation of the origin of the custom is that British soldiers, entrenched against Dutch foes in the Boer War, learned by bitter experience of the danger of lighting three cigarettes from one match. When the men thriftily used one match to serve three of them, they gave the Boer sniper time to spot the light, take aim and fire, killing 'the third man.'
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Wasn`t that Dutch Hoes ;) from the gardening forum