Bair and Blush?

25 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I was just thinking:

Bush: comes to power despite winning less votes than the competition
Blair: retains power despite winning less votes than the competition

Perhaps they should form a club? :LOL:
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AdamW said:
I was just thinking:

Bush: comes to power despite winning less votes than the competition
Blair: retains power despite winning less votes than the competition

Perhaps they should form a club? :LOL:
They have , it's called the Winners Club sorry though it's only for select membership so can't accept any of the Tory losers :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
AdamW said:
Blair: retains power despite winning less votes than the competition

Vote share:
Labour 35.2%
Conservative 32.3%

Tut tut Adam, you'd think a physics professional should be able to do maths....

I should have been clearer! Tories got a slight majority in the vote for England.

They have , it's called the Winners Club sorry though it's only for select membership so can't accept any of the Tory losers

I so hope you and I are still using this forum in 5 years when Labour loses to a Tory landslide.

However, as I have said before, at least I can console myself knowing we have a Tory as PM still :LOL:
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AdamW said:
I should have been clearer! Tories got a slight majority in the vote for England.

They have , it's called the Winners Club sorry though it's only for select membership so can't accept any of the Tory losers

I so hope you and I are still using this forum in 5 years when Labour loses to a Tory landslide.

However, as I have said before, at least I can console myself knowing we have a Tory as PM still :LOL:
That's a long time to wait to be dissapointed are you sure you don't want to admit now that the tories will never get back in power, they can't keep any leader as they all get disillusioned with the party and vice versa so as long as they continue bickering amongst themselves the right party, the labour party will continue to win.
I so hope you and I are still using this forum in 5 years when Labour loses to a Tory landslide.

Doubt many of us lot will still be here in 5 years (except possibly the wealthy socialist, old tricky dickie, ;)) In 5 years time NTL will probably be charging me a couple a month, to cover their increased stealth taxes, now much as I like your guys conversation(and girls take a note PC Pete), I do have to eat or more importantly drink!
of course you will be, admit it you like this forum too much to leave just like the rest of us :) it would be a pity if you left, same as anyone else yes freddie even you as it makes the forum a very colourful place, and yes we may all let off steam and even get very personal with each other from time to time but i'm sure we all know it's just a bit of fun in the end and it would be a boring forum if it wasn't for all the characters that contribute, am i right? :)
kendor said:
That's a long time to wait to be dissapointed are you sure you don't want to admit now that the tories will never get back in power, they can't keep any leader as they all get disillusioned with the party and vice versa so as long as they continue bickering amongst themselves the right party, the labour party will continue to win.

Hmmmm, sounds like a certain opposition party of the 1980s and first half of the 1990s... and look what happened there... Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the winners and margins of post-war general elections? Judging by your conviction in Blair Eternal, Perhaps you should also read "Spot the Dog learns all about Suffrage" to give yourself a more solid grounding in politics ;)

At least we have a Tory in charge of the country! 26 years and counting :LOL:
AdamW said:
kendor said:
That's a long time to wait to be dissapointed are you sure you don't want to admit now that the tories will never get back in power, they can't keep any leader as they all get disillusioned with the party and vice versa so as long as they continue bickering amongst themselves the right party, the labour party will continue to win.

Hmmmm, sounds like a certain opposition party of the 1980s and first half of the 1990s... and look what happened there... Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the winners and margins of post-war general elections? Judging by your conviction in Blair Eternal, Perhaps you should also read "Spot the Dog learns all about Suffrage" to give yourself a more solid grounding in politics ;)

At least we have a Tory in charge of the country! 26 years and counting :LOL:
we musn't keep thinking of the past but of the future and how bright and wonderful it is and will be under labour.
I know how well off i've been since labour has been in so they must be doing good.
We've had Labour for 8 years now, and the summers have generally been c**p. Would have been sunnier with Tories in power :p
But you just said (quite rightly) that the tories ARE in power. Tony is maggies true annointed heir.

And the conservative party will not be back in power until and unless it realises that labour has out-toried it.
AdamW said:
We've had Labour for 8 years now, and the summers have generally been c**p. Would have been sunnier with Tories in power :p
do you know what ? I think you've caught on to something here! when the tories were in we had hurricanes and when labour was in we had tsunamis, I reckon the real people that run the country are the weathermen and women, I'll never be able to look at Michael Fish again without wondering :LOL:
kendor said:
the tories will never get back in power, they can't keep any leader
Blair doing well isn't he? :LOL: Half of dozen of Mr Blair mob have told him they are leaving before summer and he is shocked at the scale of the outflow, the morale is very low in the Labour party, oh sorry kendor what was it you was saying? :LOL: :LOL:
Every leader has his (or her) day.

Winston Churchill is hailed as a great PM. But, when he returned to be PM in the 1950s, he was, well, a bit rubbish. Perhaps rubbish is too strong a word, but he was a World War prime minister in the Cold War.

Perhaps those who saw Blair as the future of the country in the last 8 years now think he is past his sell-by date? Perhaps those in the Labour party have up-and-coming new blood in mind to take the reigns? Sure, he could pass over to Brown, Prescott or whoever, but Blair was hardly an old man when he took over the Labour party!

I will be interested to see who the new blue leader is. Hopefully we won't go through the William "Pinky and the Brain" Hague damp squib, and that other one who's name I can't even remember.

I have another theory: ginger people can't win an election. Think about it, Thatcher is the nearest this country has ever had to a ginger PM, and even then it was more brown. Perhaps it is to do with that curious affliction we Brits have of making fun of ginger hair? :confused: So, if the new Labour leader is ginger (son of Kinnock?) and the new Tory leader is a blonde (or brown haired), you going down! You going down town! YEH! :LOL:
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