What you have to consider is ,,, Labour want everyone dependent upon the state... What better way to do that than make businesses close and make workers redundant. Trouble with their thinking though, is when too many people lose their jobs, they'll end up with not enough in work to support anything. What do you think Labour will do then? Only one thing to do... Create jobs paid for by the state. These of course will be non jobs. like diversity officers, climate control officers, butterfly count officers, green space slug diversity officers etc All on your local councils payroll.
These people will be seen as frontline services by Labour and encouraged.
Education, Social Services, etc will all take a back seat to these new breed of workers. OAP homes will close (unless there's a colony of oriental slugs living in the wall cavity), children at risk will probably be in more risk (unless there's a colony of lesser horseshoe bats living in the loft)..
You get the idea.
I don't know how many can remember back to the late 60's when Labour were in power under Harold Wilson.
He announced a wage freeze for every worker in British industry,,, and in the next breath announced a rise in benefits for unemployed people.