
That will teach them to form a collaboration government and do a U turn on their promises. This will be the first of many such results

It will be at least another 70 years before they are in government again.

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Nick Clegg quite possibly the biggest two faced C##t in the history of British politics

I hate the tories but at least they don't generally pretend to be what they are not
Nick Clegg quite possibly the biggest two faced C##t in the history of British politics

Don't hide your feelings, say it as you see it. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Have to agree with you, though. ;)

Really goes to show what short memories the electorate of Barnsley have though. They have forgotten the party that almost bankrupted the UK.
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Really goes to show what short memories the electorate of Barnsley have though. They have forgotten the party that almost bankrupted the UK.

To be followed by the party which will certainly ruin it.

Lets remember the world wide recession was caused by greedy rich businesses and banks, who we bailed out

Hhmmmm I wonder which party they all support?

How about the party that currently lets Barclays pay 1% tax and settles for 1 billion out of a 6 billion bill for vodaphone amongst others while we all pay 40% +
Really goes to show what short memories the electorate of Barnsley have though. They have forgotten the party that almost bankrupted the UK.

To be followed by the party which will certainly ruin it.

Lets remember the world wide recession was caused by greedy rich businesses and banks, who we bailed out

Hhmmmm I wonder which party they all support?

How about the party that currently lets Barclays pay 1% tax and settles for 1 billion out of a 6 billion bill for vodaphone amongst others while we all pay 40% +
I foresee riots returning to this country, aimed at removing the government. I do not look forward to seeing an election happening because of such action, but people are not going to tolerate the actions of this gov for a full five year term. The Gov will only have themselves to blame when it does kick off.
...and the dumb public will put Labour back in and the UK will go bust.
or you could put the Conservatives in and be taxed until you havent got a penny left in your pocket.
or you could put the Conservatives in and be taxed until you havent got a penny left in your pocket.

Every month we borrow three times the cost of the 2012 Olympics. It can't go on. No-one will lend to a country that is mathematically certain to go bust. We can't even stop the borrowing - never mind pay it back! We already spend more money financing the debt than educating our kids.
It's only a matter of time until the IMF step in - regardless of which government is in power.
What you have to consider is ,,, Labour want everyone dependent upon the state... What better way to do that than make businesses close and make workers redundant. Trouble with their thinking though, is when too many people lose their jobs, they'll end up with not enough in work to support anything. What do you think Labour will do then? Only one thing to do... Create jobs paid for by the state. These of course will be non jobs. like diversity officers, climate control officers, butterfly count officers, green space slug diversity officers etc All on your local councils payroll.
These people will be seen as frontline services by Labour and encouraged.
Education, Social Services, etc will all take a back seat to these new breed of workers. OAP homes will close (unless there's a colony of oriental slugs living in the wall cavity), children at risk will probably be in more risk (unless there's a colony of lesser horseshoe bats living in the loft)..
You get the idea. ;) ;) ;)

I don't know how many can remember back to the late 60's when Labour were in power under Harold Wilson.
He announced a wage freeze for every worker in British industry,,, and in the next breath announced a rise in benefits for unemployed people. :eek: :eek:
i think the saddest thing is it doesnt really matter who is in power, they are all out for themselves, power and money mad
The Tories are doing a cracking job, I wish they'd go alot further cutting down on new labours legacy of a unproductive and oversized public sector.

Didnt the previous labour mp for Barnsley get 12 mths for expenses fraud and yet the stupid c*nts voted them back in!

Good to see the ukip and bnp do well; this will shake things up!

Gordon brown has been the biggest disaster in British history; an end to boom & bust my ar5e.
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