Hi, my son recommended I ask here for advice about my flooring project. I am 51 and determined to do this project without help. I have laid laminate flooring and it looks really good and am about to put beading around the edges, in my hall way. There are many corners need doing.
I couldn't work out the angles as the walls are wobbly so bought a mitre magic; I have now set this up and find that I need about 8 hands to hold everything! I have watched the videos over and over again but still can't work out how to hold all the beading and the saw - and make the saw move in the right direction! Can anyone offer some advice without making me feel stupid please? Thank you.
I couldn't work out the angles as the walls are wobbly so bought a mitre magic; I have now set this up and find that I need about 8 hands to hold everything! I have watched the videos over and over again but still can't work out how to hold all the beading and the saw - and make the saw move in the right direction! Can anyone offer some advice without making me feel stupid please? Thank you.