I have the PayPal V.2 Chip and pin, contactless, swipe and manual transactions so you could take payment over the phone too if you wanted.
Great little LCD screen for the customer to see while you process on your phone.
Emails and texts receipts direct to customer and also reverses transactions or refunds and again emails and texts customer.
Mobile app is intuitive and you can create parts lists or stick lists of most used bits and pieces so they can be added in a tap or two.
2.75% fee per transaction I tend to swallow this in my pricing as it's worth that for the hassle it saves me.
Money is always there in an instant and I've never had an issue with it.
In my opinion it's well worth the money and have processed about 9k through it now and have never had an issue touch wood!
Customers seem to love it and have actually had a couple of installs of the back of it as I was the only one they could find that took cards and that allowed them to spread the payment. It's paid for itself many times over.
Link to it below if you want to have a look.
Hope that helps.
https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/credit-card-reader?&kw=paypal card reader&adgroup=Card Reader_(E)&creative=89295890849&matchtype=e&PID2=6mlT0s2z&network=g&adposition=1t1&target=&devicemodel=&campaign=UK_EN_PPH_TM_Desktop_Device_Card Reader_(E)&adtype=&geo_region=&geo_country=&ct=[program]&act=[account]&obj=[objective]&ch=[campaigntype]&tt=[tm]&mv=google&PID1=s6mlT0s2z|dm;89295890849;paypal card reader;e;;eu84e2fpi0&gclid=CjwKEAiAoIK1BRCRiMqphvnlwlwSJAAOebPMiRetmMX4TICUGihldQ2HYs7R4fHw0Wy82Dae2dNMshoCESvw_wcB&mpch=ads&rftp=4&srce=cnvr&ercc=27728-205828-8030-2&spid=774703050307372330