Thanks for the responses guys.
is this an unheated outbuilding, or is it a habitable room?
weeeelll. it started off as a simple rebuild of an existing (50 year old) leanto with an earth floor which has all but collapsed, but as is the way it has turned into something a little more complex...
It is now:
- 10mx4.5m pole-barn type leanto, against a 7m wall, so 3 metres sticking out.
- the 3m sticky out bit is to be a sun room, with french doors opposite each other on 10m sides, and mostly glazed along the 4.5m end.
- the 7m part i was going to leave with earth floor.
i suppose for sunroom i'll need to do a DPM under floor, insulate roof, some kind of moisture barrier, then ceiling.
was going to stud between the two parts, but i suppose i'll have problems, with condensation running down on the uninsulated side.
I will have to think this through a little more...
thanks again