bible bashers

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
should we listen to gay Anglican priests telling us about hell and brimstone while they committ blasphemouus acts by marrying each other
and flouting the teaching's of there church. :( what would your old gran ma. say
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Who cares what gran says? We live in modern world. Why shouldn't they marry? What's it to you if they marry? What's it to anyone else if they marry?
it matters to the guy's who gave them there JOB yes THERE JOB if you take there money then you play by there rules, or do you make up your own rules when in work :confused: i tell the boss i need every other day off as i hate mondays, wednesdays & fridays :)
I guess women priests should be outlawed then?
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it matters to the guy's who gave them there JOB yes THERE JOB if you take there money then you play by there rules, or do you make up your own rules when in work :confused: i tell the boss i need every other day off as i hate mondays, wednesdays & fridays :)
God gave them their job, take it up with him.
which god gave them there job. i have tried the phone :LOL: as for woman
priests the change the rules for them , p.s. i am not a church goer ;)
If you are not a church goer what are blathering on for?
like most of your posts joe, nothing better to do, but put a question to others and see what they say, bit like the hanging thing :LOL: :LOL:
like most of your posts joe, nothing better to do, but put a question to others and see what they say, bit like the hanging thing :LOL: :LOL:

I've got better things to do - but I'm a DIY addict (going blind already :LOL: )
do you make up your own rules when in work :confused: i tell the boss i need every other day off as i hate mondays, wednesdays & fridays :)

i agree, and tuesdays and thursdays are a bit of a no no too ;)
like most of your posts joe, nothing better to do, but put a question to others and see what they say, bit like the hanging thing :LOL: :LOL:

When you say the hanging thing to what are you refering, is it the same as the swinging thing, the dangly bits or what.

I have never understood lesbian relationships, I can understand two women wanting to live together and sleep together as they don't find men appealing and don't want to have sex with them anymore.
Why then does one of the women (not in all cases) try to look like a bloke, wear blokes clothes and all the rest of it.
If they don't like blokes then surely they both want to be women and look like women?

Before anyone starts :rolleyes: I have no problem with any same sex relationships, live your life the way you want and be happy.:cool:
Bilioustrumpstaine said:
Why then does one of the women (not in all cases) try to look like a bloke, wear blokes clothes and all the rest of it.
If they don't like blokes then surely they both want to be women and look like women?

I remember something even more extreme. There was a TV series a few years ago called "Make Me a Man". It followed a number of women who wanted a sex change operation. Two of them were a lesbian couple and I had to ask myself, "What do they hope to achieve by this"? :confused: :confused: :confused:

PS: One of them was rejected because she wouldn't allow the surgeon to do a pre-op genital examination. Did she expect him to work blind! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

PPS: Before any surgery began, they were all given hormone treatment, ie testosterone, and one of the lesbians was surprized when she went out and suddenly started "seeing breasts everywhere". :eek: :eek: :eek: I was surprized too. She's a lesbian but she's never really noticed that women have breasts! It must be a testosterone driven thing. :idea: :idea: :idea:
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