Yea, green lasers are cool. Blue ones are cooler.
Derek is a dumbass. Sorry. He's shown his true colours since day dot. Not only did that HeyHo episode make him look like a **** but there are so many other instances of him being a buffoon - only more of an intelligent baffoon than the rest of them.
Anyway, BB is loads better this year - if you don't like it, don't watch. But this year isn't like last year, or the other previous years, by a long stretch.
Yes, they are all out to get a deal of some sort - Yes, they are the only ones who think they have talent. No, the average viewer isn't pining about how great these people are. BB producers picked, on purpose, harsh, abrasive and annoying people to go into the house.
There's a lot of broad-sheet readers who'll sit and scoff at their keyboards about BB, 'cause their columnists wouldn't DARE watch such a trashy programme when Vanity Fair is on BBC2 - but you all know you watch it really.
It's now fashionable to slate it and those that do are invariably, in their own mind, of superior intellect; thinking that by joining those 'elite' who also mock will upgrade them from being 'Regular Gormless TV Watchers' (which everyone who watches TV is - Discovery Channel INCLUDED) to some sort of 'Discerning TV Watchers'.
You'll find they're the same people who feel the need to watch Channel 4 news and Mr. John Wanna-Be-Paxman Snow.
Don't live your life around it, but don't sit there, obviously knowing who these people are, what's going on and how long is left while telling everyone how much you hate such drivel.
It's drivel.+