Bindweed and Turf…

22 Jan 2021
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United Kingdom
Hello all

I’m about to turf an area that used to be an old overgrown vegetable patch which was taken over by bindweed.

I’ve dug out as much as I can but the stuff is relentless as I’m sure you all know.

Do I need to kill it all off before laying the turf or will it die back because of the lawnmower constantly cutting it away. I’ve hear the old sayings “Never let it see a Sunday”, so hoping a weekly cut will kill it off.

I can and probably will use some general lawn weedkiller on it from time to time too which I guess will help?

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Unfortunately bind weed is quite pernicious and a devil to get rid of. (bit like socialists) however glyphosate is you friend here and a good application will help eradicate it. It may take a couple of application so a 2-to-3-week delay before the turf is laid.

You may be lucky and mow it but better to start the lawn process right before you lay the turf than after. Good foundations well laid is a good analogy. The better the bed for turf the easier it will be to lay and the quicker it will take and with less issues.
You need plenty if growth on bindweed so it translocates more glyphosate to the roots. One method which is common on the internet is to let it grow up a cane and when plenty of leaf strip it off into a polythene bag and give it a good doseing.
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Dig it over til bare, forks depth, chase out every little root that you see. Wait a week, the bits you've missed or have broken off will reappear. Repeat the process until it's all gone, takes a while but worth it in the long run.

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