what a struggle, but finally got hold of an IDE 80GB HD from a friends old Compac PC running on Win XP. I took out its HD, and reformatted, loaded Dos 6.2 via a start up disc, that then allowed the C drive to be formatted and partitioned, and then I copied the rescued software from the bad HD and got my machine going, not as before but for now I can get it going with several lines of commands, which I will have to combine in the bios, and autoexec files, later on, for now I am too scared to let something happen and I have lost it all again.
( I could not load windows 3.11 which I rescued from the crashed disc as for some reason it has gone to 167Gb and exceeds the drive capacity of my reformatted HD which is only 80Gb, I am sure this must be some sort of corruption as no way windows 3.11 can take up so much memory, so i tried to load win 3.11 manually disc by disc, but comes unstuck half way with an error 214 and won't proceed any further, escape to root directory by pressing F3)
so for now I don't need windows 3.11 to run my machine, but only need it when designing jobs using another software that runs on windows called Scanvec, which then exports plate files for engraving machine that runs on Dos.
So for now I can switch on my computer which boots up in DOS, shows C prompt, mouse is not loaded and nor the software for engraving machine, these needs to be entered manually by typing about 4 command lines.
type Mouse, which loads up mouse driver
Cd/newcip , which loads up engraving machine software
type newcip and opens up the software from which I can load job files and run my machine, but i can see some corruption, these i can amend manually and get going for now. Once I clear my backlog of work, I can reload windows and streamline command into one click or one line as before.
I would still require a back up system as a major lesson have been learned. So I will still be interested in 386 mother board with Pentium 1 or 2 chip, and ISA slots, as well as another IDE HD of about 80 to 160Gb.
( I could not load windows 3.11 which I rescued from the crashed disc as for some reason it has gone to 167Gb and exceeds the drive capacity of my reformatted HD which is only 80Gb, I am sure this must be some sort of corruption as no way windows 3.11 can take up so much memory, so i tried to load win 3.11 manually disc by disc, but comes unstuck half way with an error 214 and won't proceed any further, escape to root directory by pressing F3)
so for now I don't need windows 3.11 to run my machine, but only need it when designing jobs using another software that runs on windows called Scanvec, which then exports plate files for engraving machine that runs on Dos.
So for now I can switch on my computer which boots up in DOS, shows C prompt, mouse is not loaded and nor the software for engraving machine, these needs to be entered manually by typing about 4 command lines.
type Mouse, which loads up mouse driver
Cd/newcip , which loads up engraving machine software
type newcip and opens up the software from which I can load job files and run my machine, but i can see some corruption, these i can amend manually and get going for now. Once I clear my backlog of work, I can reload windows and streamline command into one click or one line as before.
I would still require a back up system as a major lesson have been learned. So I will still be interested in 386 mother board with Pentium 1 or 2 chip, and ISA slots, as well as another IDE HD of about 80 to 160Gb.
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