At a guess i would say that most of the farming community these days is handed down from generation to generation, which is probably why there are not many black farmers.
The other thing is there is no fkin money in it anymore, so they probably don't want to get involved in it
Ever think possibly that farmers have NO EASY DAY?
Farmers work very long hours are subject to mother nature as every year they face possible ruin (a bad crop) sickness among the herd and they are pitted against each other when the crops do come in as there is a price war.
Why work when a government is willing to reward the lazy with free housing and free food and free medical all of which a farmer will never see.
If the farmer has a hoodlum breaking into his home and the farmer takes action to defend his family the criminal is set free and the farmer is put in jail as this is why Australia loves and adores and wants to elect
Rebecca Peters lord and master of the English speaking folks of the Crown.
Rebecca Peters knows what is best for the people as they are too stupid to be trusted thus Ms. Peters will tell people what they can own and possibly what careers they are allowed to follow.
Farmers must now throw rocks at the foxes
Rebecca Peters for world dictatorship as she knew exactly how to handle the folks of Australia as they are the offspring of British criminals thus they are not at all worthy of protecting life or limb.
Heil to Ms Peters she learned from the Nazi's and learned her lesson well disarm and Conquer and may the morons fall in line like sheep to a slaughter..
Peters "citizen of the world" and let the new world be of followers of the new world order