Blimey, Starmer's in tune with a few on this forum.

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There's been some analysis on that and Labour have a problem in that if they are too honest about the economic situation, people will suspect, for good reason, that the economic turnaround started under the tories. Better to spend 3/4 months talking it down and then claiming the glory for the already evident recovery.

In my experience there's no-one as devious as a lefty.
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Starmer is sounding like a Conservative
There is nothing new about that attitude even from Labour.

The 1st post.
Tory say he is talking the country down. It came as a complete shock to me that the NHS isn't working well with rather long waiting lists. I didn't ever hear anything about this on the news.

The economic situation is wonderful. Record level taxation and everything working perfectly. I mean there was no mention of taxation levels on the news was there or problems in a number of areas.

The OBR long term risk assessment isn't worrying. Every thing looks fine. Are you kidding?

So what Starmer is saying must be entirely new - for jokers. Mentioning covid long term sick is new for those that don't keep up to date. A number of countries have worked out it's effects on growth. It's significant. They sit on top of a lot of long term sick.
14 years of torey government (with the help of new labor’s weak regulation of the banks) have ground the country

Better to be realistic about the past given the effect it has on the future. Come clean about the disaster of brexhit and rebuild relations with europe. If the industrial and housing arguments are to be delivered we need eu migrant workers.
There's been some analysis on that and Labour have a problem in that if they are too honest about the economic situation, people will suspect, for good reason, that the economic turnaround started under the tories. Better to spend 3/4 months talking it down and then claiming the glory for the already evident recovery.

In my experience there's no-one as devious as a lefty.
He has a massive majority and should be getting on with whatever plan he has. Unfortunately, he’s got off to a terrible start and is showing he’s less capable than the ones before. He has time to turn it around but there is a looming cloud of Labour policy which will impact business decisions from investment to employment.

The budget may well trigger a recession.

If they align capital gains with income and remove employment flexibility as they are planning we could see employment and investment freezes as people work out how to mitigate.
Keir is right....!!!!

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