I’ve got a few areas of block paving to do, and some are fairly narrow sections which will have decorative aggregate either side, so I’ll make sure the outsides are well haunched.
How wide can you go and get away with just bedding them on concrete, like you’d do with the edges but do the whole lot on concrete? For example I don’t want a strip of screeded sand that’s too narrow for the whacker. I know bedding them on concrete isn’t the way to go, but for narrow strips say 18” wide, is it worth bothering with the sand bed in between the concreted edge courses?
Hope the question makes sense, not the easiest to explain. I’m basically asking how wide you’d go before you’d have to do it properly and have a sand bed, rather than just laying them all on a semi dry conc mix. TIA..
How wide can you go and get away with just bedding them on concrete, like you’d do with the edges but do the whole lot on concrete? For example I don’t want a strip of screeded sand that’s too narrow for the whacker. I know bedding them on concrete isn’t the way to go, but for narrow strips say 18” wide, is it worth bothering with the sand bed in between the concreted edge courses?
Hope the question makes sense, not the easiest to explain. I’m basically asking how wide you’d go before you’d have to do it properly and have a sand bed, rather than just laying them all on a semi dry conc mix. TIA..