Blocked hose, Greco ultra quick shop Paint Sprayer

24 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi guys, I wonder if someone could help?

The hose on my Greco ultra quick shot appears to be blocked. Nothing is exiting the gun and without tip attached. I’ve tried running warm water through it and also methylated spirits.

I had to quick look at taking it apart, however electrics run down the hose so I’m unable to submerge.

Has anyone else had a problem or able to offer any solutions as to how I can unblock?

Many thanks for any help!
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Gun filler is clear?
Definitely the hose?
I've known a hose block when paint products are mixed and can turn solid but you should strain paint plus most run with a filter either end of hose.
I'm not familiar with the quick shot setup though..
Hey mate and thanks for the input. I just finished a job with water based satin and the gun stopped firing. I always strain prior. Can only assume it’s the hose as the pump seems to be running fine. It’s annoying as I know it will only get worse over time.
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Ah okay, thanks. Yes 99% sure it’s under warranty. Must be less that 12m old.

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