Bluebottles-exterminate them

15 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
Last night got home from work starving. Wife had a nice chicken salad prepared and as I put it on the table while the patio doors was open the phone rang and I went to answer it.

It was my cousin having pc problems and after a couple of mins I said I phone him back, returned to my tea and a bluebottle was making the most of it! Really annoyed I picked up a cushion to hit it and as I missed I hit a cold glass of orange juice which went right accross the table and all over the blinds which will have to now cleaned.

I went on a rampage chasing after it, wife walked in and thought I had lost the plot ..

Tonight I am putting on a camaflage suit on a mission to kill as many I can , not sure if I can recognise the one from last night but his mates are getting it..

cant we genetically exterminat them?
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Also called "blowfly", blow flies are metallic blue, green, or black in colour and are noisy in flight. With an average size of 8–10 mm, they are slightly larger than houseflies but resemble them in habits. Among the important members of this group are:

* screwworm
* bluebottle fly
* greenbottle fly
* cluster fly.

What should I know?

Bluebottles and greenbottles breed on dead and decaying animal matter. If you have an unusually large number of these flies in your property you should consider the following:

* there is a dead animal in the family, for example a mouse, a big rat, squirrel, or little bird, somewhere in or near the house
* there is some rotting meat, use a mirror, it may not necessarily be a large amount, somewhere near or in the house.

The most likely place to find a dead animal or bird is in the loft, a shed, or under the floorboards. Finding the source and disposing of it is the most effective way of getting rid of bluebottle flies. Whatever!

Me and the boys are off to find out how many we can russel up, in the mean time ingest above, if anything happens to us, you'er in trouble MATE ! Greeny, Bluey, Blacky and Fart Arse:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

The spill chakc on htis cite is seriously blady uslasf
Must admit I hate the little b@@@@@s and soon they will be joints by the very welcome wasps and flying ants.Love summer hate the bugs :cry:
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I have a magic spray that makes them breakdance and fly at 100 mph. To finish off they spin round and round for ages too. :LOL:

I hate them with a passion and I can't rest if there is one buzzing around me.

Death awaits them all if they visit the Bahco household. :evil:
When I was up my ladder today I was bitten by some flies that looked like blue bottle but had black and white stripes on their thorax. A bit of red somewhere too. Anyone know what they are?

Just googled. It is a Sarcophaga carnaria.
When I was up my ladder today I was bitten by some flies that looked like blue bottle but had black and white stripes on their thorax. A bit of red somewhere too. Anyone know what they are?

Some insects have no taste.
If you have an unusually large number of these flies in your property you should consider the following:

* there is a dead animal in the family, for example a mouse, a big rat, squirrel, or little bird, somewhere in or near the house

So the dead horse in the living room could be attracting all these flies?...hmm...interesting.
my wife bought this wonderful contraption from the pound shop, its an half size tennis racket with wires criss crossing it and plastic sandwiched in between and a couple of batteries that fit in the handle and you just whack the fly, stun it and it sparks really well , but it stinks a bit , well for a few seconds anyway :LOL:
I have a magic spray that makes them breakdance and fly at 100 mph.

Rather than speed them up, why not slow them down with a can of spraymount adhesive.

A few sprays of this and any flying insect is reduced to a lumbering, spluttering, useless creature that eventually hits the deck and dies.

Did someone spray Rooney with it? :evil:
My wife goes to Australia a couple of times a year and always comes back with half a dozen fly guns they work very well and keep the son occupied when he's bored.
My wife goes to Australia a couple of times a year and always comes back with half a dozen fly guns they work very well and keep the son occupied when he's bored.

Airport Security must be a bit lax

Does she fly with ell-al? ;)
try buying a boom ball set soft toy set(from morrissons) i picked one up for my niece a few days back and the flies have been annoying me lately, decided to try using that to knock them out works a treat because its made out of some sort of transparent film type thing and it seems the flies cant tell as its heading straight for them, killed 4 so far :evil: , and it only cost £3.50
Makes me laugh when the same people who hate flies kill spiders.

I have a spider that lives in me van and is a prolific fly catcher.
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