Boiler Flue and Bath Fan vented from extension to neighbours side

13 Nov 2019
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United Kingdom
Our neighbour is going through planning permission for an extension that builds up to our own extension - the houses are terraced and our extension is built right up to the boundary line. Our extension was built in 1995 and we bought the house in 2006. Our boiler flue in the kitchen and upstairs bathroom fan extract out on to the neighbours side where he is going to build up to. I think now that the regs would not allow this but can only assume that when our extension was built they did and the owner of next doors property at the time had no objection as it went through planning permission fine.
The neighbour now obviously needs both the fan and boiler flue re-locating so he can build his wall up to ours.
I am unhappy because if it is moved there is going to disruption, mess and cost involved. However, I understand he has the right to build his extension but who is responsible for the cost of re-directing our flue and fan vents?
It sounds like your flue is encroaching on his property, so it's up to you to move it. What make/model is your boiler?
Hi, not the news I was hoping for but after reading on other forums I am starting to see it is us. Think our boiler is a Baxi (unsure of the model) but we have had it replaced since we moved in - about 8 years ago. Flue has always been in the same position though.
Ah, well if you had it replaced 8 years ago then the regulations were very different to 1995, and you very definitely are responsible for moving it. Your installer shouldn't have put it there in the first place - replacement boilers need to be installed to the regulations in force on the date they were installed, not the regulations in force on the date the original boiler was installed.

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