Boiler overheating

10 Sep 2012
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United Kingdom
Our boiler had been overheating and Scottish Gas had advised a powerflush,
After our system got to the stage where it was overheating and shutting off about 4 times a day we called in someone to powerflush the system (Not Scottish Gas who wanted £599). We explained the problem and how the furthest radiators from boiler always had to be bled.
The guy set up his powerflush machine and the pipes connected into the cupboard where our cylinder is, but within 15 mins the machine started to leak and water was pouring out all over our floor..He then disconnected all pipes and took his machine outside so the water from damaged powerflush machine could flow onto the grass, he then removed the radiator from the hall at the front door and continued with the powerflush..,after approximate 6 hours he was finished and tried our heating and hot water but sure enough the system was still overheating, he suggested it was the thermistor in our Ideal classic lxff that neede replaced..
So we called out Scottish Gas who we have a care plan with, The engineer arrived and told us our boiler does not have a thermistor in it? He hooked up clamps to the pipes coming in and out of the boiler and tested for the heat ?? In the pipes, He also checked the radiators in the house and informed us that the 2 radiators in the dining room and living room had cold spots and one of the 2 radiators that we always had to bleed still had some trapped air..He said because we had got a 3rd party in to do the powerflush (a member of the powerflush association ) Scottish gas would not touch anything to do with circulation or any parts that may have been affected with the dirt in our system,, after a bit of debate he eventually replace the pump next to our cylinder and low and behold our central heating worked all nigh and the house was nice and toasty and it looked like the new pump had got rid of the cold spots in the dining room and living room RESULT !!!!
But this morning sure enough after the hot water and heating came on Bang Bang the boiler overheated
Can someone please help/advise on what to do next, we are getting extremely fed up and just want it sorted
Sorry for the long winded story

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