I have a baxi boiler which is two years old. It only needs to heat 3 radiators.
The last few days, the bar has dropped to 0 overnight. When topped up to around 1 bar it starts fine and heats up. But it starts to go into the red zone and at just under 3 the release valve kicks in and water is released. It does this for a bit until the bar reaches 2. Then the heating works fine and doesn't creep back up. Then when the heating is off, the bar slowly drops back down to zero. And have to do the same process again. Any advice woulld be greatly appreciated. I have noticed a tiny leak from one of the pipes to the radiator. Could this be the cause? Or expansion vessel? Thanks
Read more: https://www.diynot.com/diy/conversations/add#ixzz7FrWCc19M
I have a baxi boiler which is two years old. It only needs to heat 3 radiators.
The last few days, the bar has dropped to 0 overnight. When topped up to around 1 bar it starts fine and heats up. But it starts to go into the red zone and at just under 3 the release valve kicks in and water is released. It does this for a bit until the bar reaches 2. Then the heating works fine and doesn't creep back up. Then when the heating is off, the bar slowly drops back down to zero. And have to do the same process again. Any advice woulld be greatly appreciated. I have noticed a tiny leak from one of the pipes to the radiator. Could this be the cause? Or expansion vessel? Thanks
Read more: https://www.diynot.com/diy/conversations/add#ixzz7FrWCc19M