I applied there last year for a job through one of the agencies. Had to sit a test before being offered an interview and got 74/75 correct.
Gets to the interview and there's this spotty kid there (looks very early 20's at the most) Looks at my CV and says "Ohh another joiner, I suppose we may as well go through the motions then ." (sounded very sarcastic)
First question,, "Can you read drawings?" I replied that as a joiner I was expected to read drawings, including plans,elevations and detail drawings . "Ahh, but,,,,,,, These are very technical sort of drawings with critical measurements on them, not the sort the foreman draws on the back of fag packets."
I reiterated that I work from drawings and don't just throw things together, I also told him I have an A Level in Engineering Drawing.
He looks through my CV again then says "Ahh, well that was almost 30yrs ago at school.". "Yes," I replied,, "And I can still read drawings today, and do drawings as well."
Hmmmmmm,,,, Next question...
"What do you think makes for good teamwork?". "Good strong leadership firstly and excellent communication, so everyone is aware of what's needed and what time is available to do the job." I replied.
Hmmmmmmmmmm,,, "Well we'll let you know one way or the other,,, Kindly ask the next person (sucker) to come in please."
This spotty kid was still wearing nappies when I was working my a**e off in the construction industry.
Anyway, a few weeks later, a mate of mine tells me in the local he's got set on at Bombardier by the same agency. I asked him what sort of trade background he came from (expecting an engineering background) "Well I'm a printer by trade.
Guess what he did when he was there??
Placed 8 bolts through the seating assemblies and floor of the carriages and held them with a spanner, whilst someone below tightened nuts on to them with a torque wrench.
Anyway, rant over.
Fair do's to Bombardier, but unless they get further orders, I think their Derby operation will cease to be. (whether bribed by the government or not).