Born Again Constable

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Or, jockeying for position with an election looming and rumblings from the Tories regarding the growing annoyance with Speed cameras ?

"Every one of us can think of a speed limit that appears to be completely barmy, utterly bonkers. And if you think it's bonkers you are much less likely to comply with it, What we need are speed limits that have credibility in the public mind. We need to have a root and branch reform of every speed limit throughout the country. The solution is not ever more draconian enforcement."
Richard Brunstrom

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Referenced stuff on Mr B here
;) ;)
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Apparently his latest idea is to send letters to those caught doing between 35 and 37 in a 30 zone, in order to warn people that they have been seen, but won't get points and a fine this time.

Seems pretty reasonable from the man who allegedly once said that allowing your car to drift over the speed limit was as bad as allowing a knife to drift into someone's person.

I have seen an interesting idea in a new development near me. What they have done is built the main road servicing the development, deliberately windy. It is just straight enough that 30 is comfortable, but with no stupid traffic calming measures/humps. It is very wide, but the centre is raised ever so slightly and made of a different material, so it makes the lanes appear narrow (thus making the driver more wary), but it would be easy for emergency vehicles to blat down the centre posing little danger to anyone else, and take a "racing line" on the bends. Finally, a new road design I approve of! :LOL:
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