Wife's car 4 year old went for Mot which it did pass but the ATL test results under brake force of imbalance % axle 1 is showing 30% and dash (-) under axle 2 and in final test summary under service brake force imbalance the limit is 25 % resulting in final value 30%with overall result fail.
Will appreciate any help/advise on what is involved and how can I put this right and if axle 1 means front.(FYI the dealer did say front pads had 70% wear) is this related to that.also if I get pads replaced by local garage will this effect warranty with dealer.
Thanking in advance
Will appreciate any help/advise on what is involved and how can I put this right and if axle 1 means front.(FYI the dealer did say front pads had 70% wear) is this related to that.also if I get pads replaced by local garage will this effect warranty with dealer.
Thanking in advance