blimey not another remoaner post
fact is the UK is leaving the EU . Now this may be a hard brexit ?? soft brexit ?? or a semi hard brexit ?? what ever deal is cooked up/ agreed
over beer and sandwiches it will be a deal where bye both party's The UK & the EU will be able to claim some type of victory or what ever.
There is a possibility that there could be a 2nd referendum , which will not be decided by any law court or some scheister lawyers writing articles in the Guardian or were ever
It will be decided by Parliament
because the UK is a parliamentary democracy
They have the power to vote down any agreement reached or call a motion of no confidence in the government ?
As Parliament has a majority of MP's who are remainers then it is with in there hands or possible assuming they have the b***s for it ???
but I doubt that this will happen ?? tbh these politicians should stand up ffs & act like they have a pair & vote brexit down , call for a 2nd referendum ect ect and stop sneaking about or back stabbing, but that will not happen
personally I could not care less.
and as for your 11 broken promises BS *ankerlot ( which I have not read ) well afai am concerned u can poke em up yer *****
Incidenatally do u think brexit will mean that the emergency services will not turn up at my house should they be required