Brexiteer denies racist threats

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Westminster Magistrates' Court heard Lord St Davids posted on 7 November 2016: "£5,000 for the first person to 'accidentally' run over this bloody troublesome first generation immigrant."

The post allegedly added: "If this is what we should expect from immigrants, send them back to their stinking jungles."
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What about bloody troublesome descendents of immigrants?

If this is what we should expect from the Aristocracy then confiscate their stolen land and return it to the people.
À bas les aristos!

Funny, I was thinking only yesterday that it's been a while since JohnD tacitly smeared all Brexiters as being dangerous racists :rolleyes:
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Oh sure, sure, if someone started a thread entitled "Muslim denies Sharia threats" JohnD definitely wouldn't accuse the OP of tacitly calling all Muslims extremists. Definitely.
I'd like to see some examples of you having a balanced brexit argument posted on here.... If you can find them. If not, don't be shocked if you've given people the wrong impression about your views on brexiters!
so you aren't going to support Gerry's foolish and untruthful suggestion.
I am.
Because you have shown nothing otherwise to say you have a balanced view. It would be good to have a balanced view.

Oh, and shame you never answer the question, despite asking over and over again for others to do so. Tiresome.
You mean you are supporting it? Let's see you show some examples about "all Brexiters as being dangerous racists"
Let see some examples of you being balanced as far as brexit and the voters goes.

You are a Tottenham supporter. Are you under an obligation to comment equally favourably on West Ham?

Boris Johnson is a buffoon.

Are you going to claim that I have called ALL fat blonds buffoons?

Why not?
You are a Tottenham supporter. Are you under an obligation to comment equally favourably on West Ham?

Boris Johnson is a buffoon.

Are you going to claim that I have called ALL fat blonds buffoons?

Why not?
Football analogy is crud. I don't do football, but I can appreciate people playing well no matter what team. It's called sportsmanship, you should try it some time, it may be good for you.

Boris analogy is crud also. If you had put as many posts up with various fat blonde people up calling them buffoons as you have with brexiters then yes, I would be under the impression that you think all fat blonde people were buffoons, you were generalising and you had a problem with them.

So where are those lovely, fair and balanced posts telling us/giving us the impression that you don't think all brexiters are racists or idiots?
No, to use your own method of conversing here, you can't do it can you?

Then I repeat, don't be shocked if people are under the impression that you think all brexiters are racists or idiots. We can only go on what you write, the tone of your writing and the frequency in the amount of times you post/moan about brexit and those who voted.
As Gerry has written, it's exactly the same thing that you say to those who put posts up about Islam terrorism and the bad parts of the religion/way of life. You think those posters are unable to see the bigger picture and realise that those labels does not apply to every Muslim. Hey, guess what - not every person who voted out is a racist or an idiot, just as every Muslim isn't a terrorist.

So where are those lovely, fair and balanced posts telling us/giving us the impression that you don't think all brexiters are racists or idiots?

There are no posts by me saying that ALL brexiteers are racists.

that's just a fantasy made up by gerry and supported by you.

Boris is a buffoon.
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