Brown announces 7800 civil servant jobs to go

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Another "0" on the end and not just London, but completely, would of been a better start.
Top of the class davidandjulie ! The way to save money is to sack Guardian reading leeches, not pay them to move. Still, "R" Tones guaranteed 7,800 votes in a few of weeks !
I bet this is 'fiddled' figures ... They will not get rid of n-thousand people .. They will say, in the detail (where the devil lurks).'We will recruit 3000 instead of 10,800 which is effectively a loss of 7,800 jobs ... oh, by the way that is an extra 3,000 salaries .. so Tax up folksies !!' :D :D
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May of not wrote it correctly, but my point was that Brown is not getting rid of 7,800 civil servants, just moving them elsewhere (no doubt at great expense to the government, hang on, thats ME!. Brownie, give me my money back you thievin gite !
Just a thought, the peoples government who look after the people have taken this year 26.8% of my gross wage before I even pay council tax, live,smoke, breathe, eat, etc., etc. Is this what it would be like in Sicily and the mafia "protection rackets"? Would it be cheaper to pay the mafia rates ? (Answers on a postcard, 1st class please Tone, I gotta get out of here fast before your taxes make my wages as negative equity)
That's the name of the game scoby, get as many as possible on benefits .. bingo ! captive voters .. lots of others just pizzed off with it all so don't bother to vote ... Labour forever :cry: :cry: