I haven't started block building yet
. My brother-in-law was helping out but was injured playing Judo soon after the footings were done, so I'm on my own now!
The wall is intended to be 100ft long by 5-6ft high. It won't be a retaining wall (12" max of soil on one side).
It will start from the pavement at the front of the house and then will run down along the entire side of the house.
The first 60ft is flat and the remaining 40ft stepped in three places (back garden).
Because a garden door is wanted at the 60ft point, I was going to treat the construction as two separate walls, 60ft on the flat and 40ft stepped.
Piers would be at approx 10ft intervals.
Eventually I will want to have it rendered but not until we've decided what to have on the house. Therefore I want to try to get its unrendered appearance as smart as possible.
My first questions are:
1) Should the mortar thickness for aggregate blocks be the same as for bricks, 10mm?
2) What should the orientation of the first and second courses of the intermediate piers be?
3) How high do the piers go? Are they normally as high as the wall?
4) For the end pier (near the pavement) I would like to keep the width as small as possible to allow for my car to get into the driveway. Can anyone recommend a pattern of construction for this pier to keep the size down?
5) How should the mortar joint be finished? Bevelled?
Cheers & thanks for reading.