Building Control anyone.....

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Mine are laminated.

I'm surprised a politician as unpopular as him doesn't have bullet-proof plus loose nylon nets.
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The same Michael Gove who agreed with this.

leading Tory MPs – who include Cameron's close ally Michael Gove – are listed alongside controversial MEP Daniel Hannan as co-authors of a book, Direct Democracy, which says the NHS "fails to meet public expectations" and is "no longer relevant in the 21st century".

Daniel Hannan the same guy who was a force behind Brexit.
Spotted this the other day and thought of you lot:

I am afraid I fail to see how despite anyone's views on Gove, you cannot be at least grateful that the lad came to no lasting harm.
I am afraid I fail to see how despite anyone's views on Gove, you cannot be at least grateful that the lad came to no lasting harm.
Grateful indeed...

However pointing out that a tory politician that praises a public service (whilst supporting it's dismantling/privatision) is a total hypocrite and is relevant!

As is this equally hypocritical tory MP - Linky

Funny how when it affects them directly, their views change somewhat!
I am afraid I fail to see how despite anyone's views on Gove, you cannot be at least grateful that the lad came to no lasting harm.

Seems like the remainers / anti -Tories on here have to turn it into somethinh political.

The doors may pre date any regulations, quite likely in an old house.
The same Michael Gove who agreed with this.

leading Tory MPs – who include Cameron's close ally Michael Gove – are listed alongside controversial MEP Daniel Hannan as co-authors of a book, Direct Democracy, which says the NHS "fails to meet public expectations" and is "no longer relevant in the 21st century".

Daniel Hannan the same guy who was a force behind Brexit.
'Gove said: "Dan and Douglas produce many interesting ideas. There are many … that emphatically I do not share. I certainly do not share Dan's view of the NHS."'
No law against it AFAIK.

There is no law regarding leaving a child alone, however if the child becomes at risk or injured the parents/carers etc can be charged with neglect, considering that the Glass panel door did not conform to building regulations, was Michael Goves son at risk ??
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