I had some planters made by my other half's dad which have worked great however they were never treated (I was told they were) and they have started rotting after 2 years. I am looking at digging down in the area and treating with Gypsum since its all clay to soften the soil and then dig it over and put plenty of compost in there. I would then like to build one large planter with some slats in it to grow some veg.
What sort of wood is best for this purpose? I was thinking of decking but I don't want to have to keep giving it a coat of paint every year as it will be difficult to get at the back of the planter which is going to be next to the fence. I am thinking of making a large rectangle with some stakes to hammer into the soil and for it to be fairly grounded with lots of nutrients from the now crumbly clay and compost. Is there anything I should look out for?
For some of the berry's were looking at planing and already have I was thinking I could have a trellis around the centre for this purpose. Would this be easier to but or make? If make again what sort of wood?
I had some planters made by my other half's dad which have worked great however they were never treated (I was told they were) and they have started rotting after 2 years. I am looking at digging down in the area and treating with Gypsum since its all clay to soften the soil and then dig it over and put plenty of compost in there. I would then like to build one large planter with some slats in it to grow some veg.
What sort of wood is best for this purpose? I was thinking of decking but I don't want to have to keep giving it a coat of paint every year as it will be difficult to get at the back of the planter which is going to be next to the fence. I am thinking of making a large rectangle with some stakes to hammer into the soil and for it to be fairly grounded with lots of nutrients from the now crumbly clay and compost. Is there anything I should look out for?
For some of the berry's were looking at planing and already have I was thinking I could have a trellis around the centre for this purpose. Would this be easier to but or make? If make again what sort of wood?