Building Regs for downstairs loo?

10 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
I'm considering adding a downstairs cloakroom when I re-decorate the hall this year.
I can get easy access to supply pipes and drains etc. but the question is do I need to apply for any regs or planning or is this something that I can just do?

Any help?


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It's classified as controlled work so you would need to submit an application to your Local Authority Building Control (LABC). Easiest way in this instance would be to submit a Building Notice, pay the appropriate fee, an Inspector will take a gander to make sure he's happy and sign it off when he's happy / it's finished.
You don’t need Planning but it’s controlled work as Hotrod states & you will need to comply with Building Regs. In addition to the regs. governing foul drainage, you will need forced ventilation &, depending on location, possibly sound insulation in any stud walls used. Make sure you understand what you need to do before starting.
Thanks for your replies, it gives me something to get started but where can I find out what is actually required?

There will be some studded walls and external ventilation but I don't seem to be able to find a single site that tells me exactly what is required.

Also, what would happen if I did this with an application?
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where can I find out what is actually required? There will be some studded walls and external ventilation but I don't seem to be able to find a single site that tells me exactly what is required.
It’s here but doesn’t just cover installing a new loo:
Parts E, F, G, H & P apply but all your really interested in is the drainage, forced ventilation, electrical installation & possibly sound insulation if your using stud walls between a room with a w/c & another habitable room. The website also has loads of other useful info regarding BR’s.
Also, what would happen if I did this with an application?
I assume you actually meant with an application & that’s not a typo! If so, you need to make a Building Notice Submission to your Local Authority Building Control (LABC), pay a fee & they will want to inspect various bits of the installation as they are done; usually only one visit if you plan it well but if a new foul drain is involved a Building Inspector (BI) may want to witness a pressure test. A BI will then return at your invitation for a final inspection when it’s finished & issue a Completion Certificate if all is OK. You will be asked to produce this certificate (& any others) for all new building work when you come to sell & any sale could be dependant on you being able to provide the paper work so that’s the risk you run if you do the work without notification.

It might sound horrendous but, in reality, is quiet a simple process; also read this;

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