Just a bit of a possible money saving tip for you, when buying a replacement battery for your vehicle is not to always go for the one recommended in the retailers guide.
For example today I took my Dad to Motor World to get a new battery for his Escort Van, the battery listed in the shop book for this vehicle cost £69.99, however a more powerful version (more amps and cranking power) of the same brand battery for a larger engined Ford was £10 cheaper, it was very slightly larger in size but fitted perfectly in the battery bay and started the engine from cold first time.
For example today I took my Dad to Motor World to get a new battery for his Escort Van, the battery listed in the shop book for this vehicle cost £69.99, however a more powerful version (more amps and cranking power) of the same brand battery for a larger engined Ford was £10 cheaper, it was very slightly larger in size but fitted perfectly in the battery bay and started the engine from cold first time.