Can i still do work

16 Aug 2006
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United Kingdom
Up until 4 weeks ago i was working for a company and was registerd with corgi with them,
Now i have left to go self employed and have to re-register at a cost of £440 corgi have taken my money but in the mean time can i work on gas ???????
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You used to have to wait for a CORGI inspector to visit and assess you then be given a 6 month 'trial' before another inspection. I do not know for sure if this is still the procedure ;)
Simple answer No not yet...... Legally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH your fast on the keys Dave.... But your quite right ;)
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Got inspector coming next thurs to my house what does he want to know from me????
He'll ask you all basic questions, eg tightness test, installation regs, pipe size questions, basically depending on who he is and what mood he is in anything that is covered in your ACS. He will probably want to see copies of public liability insurance and check if you have the most up to date CORGI manuals and warning notices/pads etc. Nothing to worry about though ;)
fitz1 said:
do you know what he knows.

the secret is that you MUST know that he knows that you know that he knows what YOU know

seriously if you have been working as an RGI for another company and you ACS is up to date you have nowt to worry about

if not you are screwed ;)
He's going to ask you lots of questions Lee. Gas safety, fluing, unsave situation procedures and the like. Dont panic though hes not ther to test your lever of knowledge, only your compertency. Its ok to find answers in your books if need be. :eek: :LOL:

Good luck and welcome to the fold of fishing and golf ;) ;) :LOL:
Im on LPG not like most of you lot on domestic will copys of my qualifications be ok becouse the ex boss has my originals and i didn't leave on good terms.
Er you own the originals!!!

They are yours and your old boss has no right to them

failing that where did you do your ACS ask them for copies

Now dont get offended but if you maybe thinking of grabbing a mates ACS and doing a Paint job on them dont bother as the certs mean nowt as the Inspector can verify them with one phone call

I am not saying you would but there u go


honestly if you have been on the job (finarr finarr) for a while u have nothing to worry about
On the other hand if he sees you've purchased a veritable brush salesman's suit case full of official Corgi merchandise from their on-line shop, he may call it a day at that. Or if not, possibly asking some token question about permisable drops as he finishes his tea, punches some vague info onto his hand held dictafone and s*ds off to the golf course.
I do both Lee dont make any odds.
About copies Iam not sure, explain the circumstance, and he/she shouldnt take a blind bit of notice.

Only pulling your wire :LOL: :LOL: Dont worry come thursday you'll be lergit
I think you will probably find a lot of us do LPG as well and you will still only get basic questions. Swot up on caravan ventilation etc if you do these. As others say don't worry. If you worry/think too hard you will probably cock up even though you know what you mean ;)

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