Car EPDM rubber foam repair - which glue?

8 Jul 2008
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United Kingdom
I have a tear in some epdm rubber foam car insulation. It fact one bit has torn off. They are bits that wedge into parts around the bonnet.

I know this material is very difficult to glue as it is a foam type rubber, and very porous.

Very difficult to find a good answer online. Most of the results seem to indicate some specialist industrial glue.

This is as close to a demonstration for the type of rubber I can find.

From what I understand, normal superglue and contact adhesive would not be effective.

Any ideas or actual experience on something that would work?
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Double sided sticky tape or some yachting type tapes that stick to various surfaces?
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not sure that would
Double sided sticky tape or some yachting type tapes that stick to various surfaces?

that would not really work as it is a non uniform tear. It would be like trying to sticky tape a chunk of foam.

This looks interesting:

Might just be an advertisement. But that's similar rubber, mine is just a big wodge of it.

Edit: Hmm, looks like it might just be a standard superglue

It's chemical component on the tech sheet is just Cyanoacrylate, which is the same as most superglues.
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Silly question maybe.

Does it need to be glued ?
Not a silly question. I have considered putting it back in part torn.

Is it a part that is integral to the car? No. So it in that's not a major issue.

But, I'd rather try to keep it all in one piece as it is a moulded rubber foam part.

Also, it's just useful to know what can actually glue this stuff.

A bit more digging at it seems that not all Cyanoacrylate based glues are equal, there are different formulations.

It's just a case of finding something I don't have to buy in industrial quantities.

Something like this might work:

I just assumed someone would have had experience glue repairing stuff like this before.