Car horn is Meh

29 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom
I probably used my car horn no more 20 times in my entire life. I remember the sound was manly in the past and now it's just meh. At what point does it fail the MOT? Currently it sounds a bit like this, and I find it somewhat embarrassing. Is this how horns fails?

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It's that electricity stuff, it knows you don't like it.

The mot test is subjective, basically it either works well enough, or it doesn't.......

An audible warning must be loud enough to be heard by other road users.

For vehicles first used on or after 1 August 1973, the sound emitted must be continuous or uniform. It cannot be harsh or grating.

The following cannot be used as an audible warning:

  • gongs
  • bells
  • sirens
  • anything that has more than one tone
Mine has one ton: meeehhhhhhh. I have no problems with electric, so long as I don't have to charge it frequently.
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It is an italian horn, though, and it was meh. FIAAM AM80S readily available from china. If you want italian or german, buy china! But I am in luck. When I put the bumper back on last time, can't remember when, I bent one of the pins on the low side horn. Bending the pin back made me feel like a full man again. MOT didn't fail with one horn down.

Due to a money saving project, at the time my car was built - it came built with a single, pathetic, and embarrassing horn - for such an imposing car. One of the first mods I did, was to add a pair of high and low tone horns, to the pathetic one.

Like you, I rarely use it, but when I need to - I want it to be heard.

So long as the horn makes a reliable noise, it's an MOT pass.
Due to a money saving project, at the time my car was built - it came built with a single, pathetic, and embarrassing horn - for such an imposing car. One of the first mods I did, was to add a pair of high and low tone horns, to the pathetic one.

Like you, I rarely use it, but when I need to - I want it to be heard.

So long as the horn makes a reliable noise, it's an MOT pass.
As long as it's a single tone.
I had Godfather air horns on my car when I passed my test, bought them on a Friday, fitted them on Saturday morning and got Nicked on Saturday eveing.


Common in Italy, was to have a switch, which selected loud horns, for use on the autostrada, and quieter ones for built up areas.
Having had one for some years Renault Megane's (the one with the big bum) have the most pathetic horn going, I always assumed was faulty, then one MOT it turned out it didn't work, so they replaced it, the new one was exactly the same. In classic Megane style it's right behind the grille!

You can here this guy congratulating himself on having fixed his at 8.25! :ROFLMAO:

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