Car Insurance NCB

14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi All,
My missus drove into a gate post last month and damaged the car's paintwork. Only a small area was damaged so considered a private repair without claiming insurance. Unfortunately the damage was across the seam of two panels. That along with the paintwork being Pearlescent White, a couple of local quotes were significant so went down the insurance claim route.
Car has been returned and I'm happy with the repair.
My insurance expires next month so started my annual venture into compare websites for deals.
Until last month I had not made a claim in 19 years and I always pay extra to protect my NCB. My current insurance states that I can make up to 2 claims without affecting my NCB.
Comparing quotes between 'no claims' and 'one claim' is about £150. I have been led to believe that 'protected NCB' should prevent any increase!!!
I appreciate that annual premiums are rising due to inflation, but why the £150 difference between claim/no claim?
It will be interesting to see what my renewal quote is from my existing insuror, but from experience they rarely offer anything for loyalty.
Any thoughts on protected NCB - is it a scam?
Phone them - always. My insurer says always phone them. Last time the price dropped by a couple of hundred, though the reason they gave was silly.

I believe all you get these days is that your NCB is a bit protected.
Any thoughts on protected NCB - is it a scam?
Of course it's a scam.

But it's worded in such a way so as to get people to believe that their insurance cost won't rise because of a 'covered' claim.

They just load the premium and you pay more next time around regardless!
Well put it how you like the result is the same, you don't pay as much when you renew as you would if you hadn't paid extra for it.
Make sure you add your driving license when you do the compare. It made a £200 difference on mine.
Make sure you add your driving license when you do the compare. It made a £200 difference on mine.
If it makes a £200 difference, then I 'shudder' at what your premium must be.

Good driver are we?
Don't forget to add 'legal cover' to your next policy. Absolutely essential until you find yourself actually needing it !
Of course it's a scam.

But it's worded in such a way so as to get people to believe that their insurance cost won't rise because of a 'covered' claim.

They just load the premium and you pay more next time around regardless!
So let me get this right. You think an insurance risk, and therefore the premium associated with it, should not rise when someone drives into their own property, damages the car and expects the insurance company to cough up with no financial penalty?
But it's worded in such a way so as to get people to believe that their insurance cost won't rise because of a 'covered' claim.
Seems pretty clear to me. One example,

"Protected no claim discount is an optional extra you can add to your car insurance policy. It means that any NCD you've built up is protected - no matter how many claims you make. Your premium may still be affected if you make a claim."

Don't forget to add 'legal cover' to your next policy. Absolutely essential until you find yourself actually needing it !
If you have a claim worth fighting most lawyers will CFA, so no need for this cover. If you haven’t then you rely on your fully comp insurance and swallow the excess.