Caught my son..... (joke)

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
Got home tonight and caught my son doing a depraved act....
he was reading one of the Twilight books......
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Tried to get that one but failed . So, would you give me a clue or a link to find out what its about.? :confused:
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Presumably a reference to teen/vampire references, in the kin of the TV show True Blood, but I had to look that up, and I still don't understand the connection?

What do you call a cat on a bus? A Pussenger.

A crazy person walks into a bar, the barman says, sorry we don't serve nuts.

A nut walks into a's never going to happen.

Answer immediately...What do cows drink? How many people said milk? They drink water! Only as calves do they drink milk, not technically a cow yet.

Those I get, when you need to Google, and still don't get the joke... :rolleyes:
The twilight joke is because its only woman that seem to like the films and buy the books, joke has been about for ages
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