I bought a s/h microscope lens and surprisingly it came with half a microscope and a bit of wire coming out.
there's a camera, with a CCD sensor about 8mm square or so, in a cylinder of metal about 12mm diameter, and a socket on the back, That has a connector with a edit threaded collar, with 12 pins. There's half a metre of cable, 12 ways, just chopped off.
SO, does that sound like a standard connection?
The scope part has a name on it. - Definitely not current and not too recent, could be 20 years old, no idea.
there's a camera, with a CCD sensor about 8mm square or so, in a cylinder of metal about 12mm diameter, and a socket on the back, That has a connector with a edit threaded collar, with 12 pins. There's half a metre of cable, 12 ways, just chopped off.
SO, does that sound like a standard connection?
The scope part has a name on it. - Definitely not current and not too recent, could be 20 years old, no idea.