I need to mix 2.5 cubic metres of cement for an area of pavement around my house. Does anyone have any idea approximately how many bags of cement I will need and how much sand? I appreciate this may be a 'how long is a piece of string' question, but I just need a rough idea so I can work out cost. Ultimately I need to know whether it is more cost effective to do it this way (albeit more time consuming), or should I simply buy in some ready mix? I am on a v tight budget!
I need to mix 2.5 cubic metres of cement for an area of pavement around my house. Does anyone have any idea approximately how many bags of cement I will need and how much sand? I appreciate this may be a 'how long is a piece of string' question, but I just need a rough idea so I can work out cost. Ultimately I need to know whether it is more cost effective to do it this way (albeit more time consuming), or should I simply buy in some ready mix? I am on a v tight budget!