Over the last few days we've noticed an issue with the central heating header tank dripping via the overflow pipe outside sometimes.
Having been up and examined the tank a few times, the water level is consistently at the level of the bottom of the overflow pipe.
Not knowing too much about these things, the ball cock seems a strange shape to me, curves downward into the water quite significantly, then an inch or so from the end just goes almost vertically down. This doesn't seem right...
Having investigated these forums, fixes seem to range from bending the ballcock arm (which a previous owner must have done before me i think!), replacing the ballcock, and then various other things.
Guess what i'm after is an indicator if changing the ballcock - which i'm planning on doing at the weekend - is likely to work, or maybe even make it worse
Water in the tank seems the right ambient temperature, though theres quite a bit of white gunk floating about on the surface (which can't be ideal)
Only noticed this a few days agio - may have been a problem for a while i guess. Noticed a major stream of water coming out of it on Saturday morning about 4am, after a dripping Mid Position Valve had leaked onto the pump, and caused an earth leakage which took tripped the consumer unit. Not sure what caused the overflow stream that morning, guess something backed back into the header tank when it all shutdown or something. Since replaced the Mid Pos Valve, and everything else (other than this drip) seems ok, but like i say it may well have been an issue for a while...
All advice very welcomed!
Having been up and examined the tank a few times, the water level is consistently at the level of the bottom of the overflow pipe.
Not knowing too much about these things, the ball cock seems a strange shape to me, curves downward into the water quite significantly, then an inch or so from the end just goes almost vertically down. This doesn't seem right...
Having investigated these forums, fixes seem to range from bending the ballcock arm (which a previous owner must have done before me i think!), replacing the ballcock, and then various other things.
Guess what i'm after is an indicator if changing the ballcock - which i'm planning on doing at the weekend - is likely to work, or maybe even make it worse
Water in the tank seems the right ambient temperature, though theres quite a bit of white gunk floating about on the surface (which can't be ideal)
Only noticed this a few days agio - may have been a problem for a while i guess. Noticed a major stream of water coming out of it on Saturday morning about 4am, after a dripping Mid Position Valve had leaked onto the pump, and caused an earth leakage which took tripped the consumer unit. Not sure what caused the overflow stream that morning, guess something backed back into the header tank when it all shutdown or something. Since replaced the Mid Pos Valve, and everything else (other than this drip) seems ok, but like i say it may well have been an issue for a while...
All advice very welcomed!