chav/louts whistle

2 Dec 2005
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Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Lets get one thing straight, we've all been young in our time, and some on here are still classed as young.
But whats that whistle all about the chavs/louts do to communicate with each other, it's normaly heard late at night/early morning.
When i hear it, to me it's a sign thats there's some louts up to no good, i mean why would there be a need for someone to be walking around the streets late at night.
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lola :?: :eek: L-O-L-A, lola.we danced all nite under electric candle light .been on the pink champagne , just like cherry cola, ;) :LOL:
markie said:
Lets get one thing straight, we've all been young in our time, and some on here are still classed as young.
But whats that whistle all about the chavs/louts do to communicate with each other, it's normaly heard late at night/early morning.
When i hear it, to me it's a sign thats there's some louts up to no good, i mean why would there be a need for someone to be walking around the streets late at night.
they dont whistle round here, just shout. At 2am. Have been woken before by drunken idiots at the top of my road shouting to more drunken idiots at the bottom of the road. Double glazed windows firmly shut. I occasionally find myself walking home from town, its not far, but i dont go shouting to people on quiet residential streets, even when i'm a bit drunk.
crafty1289 said:
markie said:
Lets get one thing straight, we've all been young in our time, and some on here are still classed as young.
But whats that whistle all about the chavs/louts do to communicate with each other, it's normaly heard late at night/early morning.
When i hear it, to me it's a sign thats there's some louts up to no good, i mean why would there be a need for someone to be walking around the streets late at night.
they dont whistle round here, just shout. At 2am. Have been woken before by drunken idiots at the top of my road shouting to more drunken idiots at the bottom of the road. Double glazed windows firmly shut. I occasionally find myself walking home from town, its not far, but i dont go shouting to people on quiet residential streets, even when i'm a bit drunk.

Brighouse,Now that's an hilly place.How cars get up them hills i'l never know...Me Brother lived down there a while with the job he did.Went to visit him and needed a new engine when i got home.(only joking).
Mind you we went to Devon last year,and there's some brimers round that way.
crafty1289 said:
markie said:
Lets get one thing straight, we've all been young in our time, and some on here are still classed as young.
But whats that whistle all about the chavs/louts do to communicate with each other, it's normaly heard late at night/early morning.
When i hear it, to me it's a sign thats there's some louts up to no good, i mean why would there be a need for someone to be walking around the streets late at night.
they dont whistle round here, just shout. At 2am. Have been woken before by drunken idiots at the top of my road shouting to more drunken idiots at the bottom of the road. Double glazed windows firmly shut. I occasionally find myself walking home from town, its not far, but i dont go shouting to people on quiet residential streets, even when i'm a bit drunk.

That's Blair's Britain (some parts of it ;) ) 24 hr boozing. Just try blair's Bhagdad a bit worse .. 24 hour shooting gallery. :D
We don't get them whistling here but we do get them yelling to one another on a Saturday night :rolleyes: We had one moron who was yelling into his mobie like Dom Jolly at 3am in the morning, right under our bedroom window, the other week.

All we could hear was "But I love yooooooooooooo". In the end, I leant out of the window and yelled at him "If you love her that much, go and nick her some flowers from the park and let us all get some blardy sleep".

With that he said "Ooooh sorry luv", shouted "Ssshhhhhhhhhhh" into his phone and then legged it :rolleyes:
On occasions the whistling is used as lookout communication when dastardly deeds are being undertaken.
I recall a work colleague relating the story of an attempted attached garage break-in, the sound of strange birdsong in the early hours, whilst en route to the bathroom in darkness, lead him to adopting a stealth mode. Upon opening a window over the garage the whisting 'changed tune' and a couple of scallys exited his garden, hurridly... No more whistling !
A metal side window had almost been perpared for breaking, scored and partly crossed with sticky tape...
The colleague subsequently barred the garage window and fitted a 'roller' door .... The unrecorded cost.
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